Pinched Nerve Treatments

Pinched Nerve Treatments

If you’re living with pain, numbness, and tingling caused by a pinched nerve, Dr. Brian Willyard and the team at Action Chiropractic of Port Orchard, WA, are dedicated to bringing you relief.

Pinched Nerves and Chiropractic Care

Among the many components of the body are trillions of nerves that act as the body’s electrical system. This system sends messages throughout the body, ensuring that everything from your muscles to your vital organs function properly.

Unfortunately, they can sometimes become compressed or “pinched.” When they do, the messages do not flow properly. You can think about it like a straw. If you pinch your straw or it becomes bent, the liquid you are drinking can’t flow through.

While not being able to enjoy your drink can be frustrating, the stakes are a little higher with a pinched nerve. It can lead to issues such as the following:

  • Numbness or tingling
  • Sharp, shooting pains
  • Muscle weakness
  • Burning sensations

These symptoms are often felt in the extremities. However, you might notice them in the area of the body where the compressed nerve is located, such as the back or neck. Pinched nerves can also contribute to headaches and various health issues.

Chiropractic Care for Nerve Compression

When you’re suffering from a pinched nerve, treatment from chiropractors like Dr. Willyard at Action Chiropractic in Port Orchard, WA, can help you achieve natural, lasting relief. He focuses treatment techniques on addressing the cause of the nerve compression, which is often either a misalignment, bulging or herniated disc, or muscle contractions. The following are some of the most effective techniques for addressing such issues.

  • Adjustments: Adjustments restore alignment, removing unnecessary pressure from the discs and nerves.
  • Spinal decompression therapy: Decompression therapy is a method for gently stretching the spinal column. It relieves pressure from the nerves as well as pulls any bulging or herniated discs back into place.
  • Therapeutic exercise: Specific movements can be used to further stretch the spine as well as strengthen the core muscles for additional spinal support.

Lasting relief also requires addressing the factors that led to the compressed nerve in the first place, such as poor posture or heavy lifting. You’ll receive personalized guidance and recommendations for adjusting unhealthy spinal habits and building healthy ones.

Find relief from your pinched nerve symptoms with the help of Dr. Willyard at Action Chiropractic in Port Orchard, WA. Call (360) 876-6865 to schedule an appointment today. 

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